Must Read Stories

The security situation of immigrants and refugees in Greece during the outbreak of COVID-19

Greece is one of the few countries that is being globally applauded for the efficient way of dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19. Lockdown measures were gradually lifted in May and people are continuously resuming their normal lives. The country is even preparing to welcome tourists during summer. However,...

Children of War to Children of Peace, Learning from the War Past

The founder of CAMR, Halina Chraščová, is recently in an external cooperation with CBAP, Prague (Centrum pro bezpečnostní analýzy a prevenci/Center for Security Analyses and Prevention) as a main project designer and coordinator for a Visegrad Fung backed youth ethnic reconciliation project implemented in BiH from September 2020,  „Children of War to...

The arms and military equipment industry of Bosnia and Herzegovina is „marching“ with successful steps

The serious development of the military industry during the post-war period in Bosnia and Herzegovina begins in 2013. Prior to the 1992-1995 war, it was one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's economic development engines, later on being brought to the edge of existence, it is rising from the ashes in...

Popular Recipes

Highlights of 2024 in Latin America: In Search of Lasting Security

Organized crime and state violence against civilians belong to everyday reality in many states of the continent. Violent threats coexist with many other challenges,...

Highlights of 2024 in Latin America: Under the Shadow of Polarization

Latin America experienced a tumultuous 2024, marked by political transitions and dramatic changes amid ongoing challenges. The region witnessed a series of key elections,...

The Rise and Fall of Venezuela: Time for Hope?

Venezuela's story is among the most tragic and paradoxical in modern history. Once a uniquely prosperous South American democracy, it is now one of...

The EU-MERCOSUR Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges

On December 6, 2024, the long-awaited free trade agreement between the European Union and the four founding members of the Common Southern Market (MERCOSUR),...