
Must Read Stories

Geopolitical Interests in Western Balkans: KOSOVO

We would like to introduce the final publication published by CBAP, Prague Geopolitical Interests in Western Balkans – Kosovo whereas the member of our team, Halina Chraščová, Fitore Fejza, Rusmir Piralić and Ivan Iliev contributed by their analyses. The projects focused on the geopolitical interest of foreign countries in...

The security situation of immigrants and refugees in Greece during the outbreak of COVID-19

Greece is one of the few countries that is being globally applauded for the efficient way of dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19. Lockdown measures were gradually lifted in May and people are continuously resuming their normal lives. The country is even preparing to welcome tourists during summer. However,...

Children of War to Children of Peace, Learning from the War Past

The founder of CAMR, Halina Chraščová, is recently in an external cooperation with CBAP, Prague (Centrum pro bezpečnostní analýzy a prevenci/Center for Security Analyses and Prevention) as a main project designer and coordinator for a Visegrad Fung backed youth ethnic reconciliation project implemented in BiH from September 2020,  „Children of War to...

The arms and military equipment industry of Bosnia and Herzegovina is „marching“ with successful steps

The serious development of the military industry during the post-war period in Bosnia and Herzegovina begins in 2013. Prior to the 1992-1995 war, it was one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's economic development engines, later on being brought to the edge of existence, it is rising from the ashes in...

Popular Recipes

After Xi Jinping’s Visit to Serbia, a Mutual Trade Agreement Enters into Force

Serbia and China have a long history of developing relations, highlighted by a rare visit from the Chinese president at the beginning of May....

The EU–Serbia Lithium Deal: Extending the Legacy of Appeasement and Stabilitocracy

In recent years, the dynamics between Serbia and the West have become increasingly intricate, hitting a particularly low point with the outbreak of the...

Kurti’s Realpolitik and Securitization Amidst Stalled Dialogue

Following the 2020 Washington Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, the Trump administration lost the U.S. elections. On February 14, 2021, Kosovo held elections again,...